Never Say Die

I have realized something. Shard, the first novel I ever wrote, which I have been editing for six years, is too big for one book, hence my struggles with editing. There are too many climaxes, too much information, too many things to put in one book. So now I am left with the realization that I have a trilogy – at least a trilogy – on my hands. I’m not complaining; in fact, this makes things somewhat easier. Now I can just relax and write without trying to fit everything into one smooth arch. Too many things happen for it to be one book.

And I’m afraid I have a small confession to make: I am not nearly as excited about Script Frenzy as I was about NaNoWriMo. This, for me, is just a warm up for November, just a little taste of the craziness that is NaNo. But who knows, maybe I’ll feel differently when it’s April 1st.

Charlie’s hard drive is full, so I can’t make covers or banners. Sad day. Oh, well…as long as I can write 🙂 Luckily Scrivener and Word documents don’t take up much space.

9 days to go…let’s hope things change by April 1st, because otherwise I’m going to have a hard time finishing, and I hate not finishing. It’s not an option. I declare war on apathy (:


I’m sorry, I promise I am. It’s just that Love in Dark Places sounds so B-movie, you know? Here’s the updated info (again). Don’t even get me started on the plot, because I don’t know. I do, but not really. If that makes sense.

Script type: Screenplay
Genre: Drama/Romance
Title: The Firefly Doctrine
Logline: Haunted by the cage her own mind creates, seventeen year-old London must find her way out before it’s too late.
MFC: London Whinter
MMC: Cilian Girard
Anatgonist: Trek Manchurian {Actually, there is no antagonist except human nature – Trek ends up redeeming himself and falling for London. This was not my doing. While writing novel-style scenes for character development, Trek and London developed an obvious chemistry. Apparently this is going to be a bittersweet movie, against my principles. But anyway.}

Oh My Schnickelfritz.

Forgive me if I’ve already used this title, but it’s very fitting.

Due to an insane and inhuman amount of schoolwork (do not contest me on this, because for once in my life I am not exaggerating), I haven’t written in a week. Not only that, but I don’t have much desire to write today or tomorrow (my two off days) because I do internet school, on the computer, and I’m kind of tired of the computer. So it of course makes perfect sense that I’m blogging. Anyway, I did want to give some kind of an update.

I discovered my genre!! The main one, at least. I shall from now on be focusing on Christian romance in addition to fantasy, which I’m sure I’ll never be able to get away from (not that I’m complaining). How do I know that this is my genre? Well. I started writing it just for kicks, and I ended up writing over 12k in three days. I could have done more, if I hadn’t had school. It just kept going. The only other time where I’ve been that inspired was when I was writing my first novel, my first anything – the catalyst for my entire writeringness. So.

In other news, the name of my screenplay has changed yet again. Love in High Places sounded a little bit too much like Bruce Almighty, which there’s nothing wrong with, but this isn’t a comedy. It’s more like The Brave One meets The Phantom of the Opera meets House meets Wuthering Heights meets some other stuff. You get the idea. I present to you the hopefully final screenplay information:

Script type: Screenplay
Genre: Drama/Romance
Title: Love in Dark Places
Logline: Haunted by the cage her own mind creates, seventeen year-old London must find her way out before it’s too late.
MFC: London Whinter
MMC: Cilian Girard
Anatgonist: Trek Manchurian {Actually, there is no antagonist except human nature – Trek ends up redeeming himself and falling for London. This was not my doing. While writing novel-style scenes for character development, Trek and London developed an obvious chemistry. Apparently this is going to be a bittersweet movie, against my principles. But anyway.}

Writerly Adventuring

WriYe Progress:
Wri Ye is going well. I think I’m only about 2k behind as of today, which seems to be my perpetual curse, but anyhow; I’ll get caught up soon, probably on Saturday. I also finally made the leap and bought Pixelmator, the most amazing photo editing software known to Mac. This is my very biased, very inexperienced, very I’ve-never-used-anything-else-but-this-works-amazingly-for-me opinion. Anyway, my point is that I finally have unlimited and unwatermarked time to play around with the thing, and I’ve made two sig banners for WriYe. My plan is to take on one novel every month, take months for editing, finishing, and planning in between, and take two novels in June. October is obviously dedicated to planning for NaNoWriMo, and November is NaNo only. December is rest, or if I still need to make up my word count, I’ll work on Shard.

Script Frenzy:
I have changed my title, plotted, character developed, and picture found (talking like this is rather fun, actually). I won’t post the pictures here because a) they’re copyrighted and b) too many bytes in uploading, but here’s my updated script information:

Script type: Screenplay
Genre: Drama
Title: Love in High Places
Logline: Haunted by the cage her own mind creates, seventeen year-old London must find her way out before it’s too late.
MFC: London Whinter
MMC: Cilian Girard
Anatgonist: Trek Manchurian

And that’s that for today, partly because I have to pee and partly because I have an appointment.

Like Cake, But Better

I can’t decide if I’m cheating or not. I mean, according to the rules of WriYe, I’m not cheating. But should planning be allowed to count as word count? I guess so. I guess it’s okay. But I have this odd feeling that the Angel of Writing is tsking at me.

Oh, well. I thought I would post the link to my personal progress thread so you can check it out for yourself if you like:

Hmm, I hope you can see it…I’m not sure if people who aren’t signed up can. Anywho. I’m rather excited, because I’m only about 2k behind as of today, which is just over a day’s writing. If I plan some more and maybe actually WRITE *gasp* then I’ll be all caught up:) I’d say that tomorrow we’ll be looking at a nice, roundish number of 46,200. Impressive, no? I must say, though, that the reason you don’t see me freaking out and behaving NaNoishly is because most of what I’ve done has been one of the following:

1) planning (about 8,000, and no, I’m not kidding)
2) intense, super-inspired-driven writing sessions for hours on end.

As we all know, the second one is easy. Because when inspiration hits, it’s like a freaking jet plane. But, and this we all know too, the trouble comes when inspiration does not show her face, which is sort of the point of these enormous endeavors. So I feel like I haven’t actually done very much. However, inspiration left at approximately 11:34 am yesterday morning, so this month will be much harder. Yay! (raises hand in sarcastic gesture)